Employers celebrated for support of emergency services

A host of Western Australian employers have been recognised for their generous support of emergency services volunteers.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services Volunteer Employer Recognition Awards (VERA) acknowledge businesses that go above and beyond to provide flexible working arrangements, enabling their staff to respond to emergencies during work hours.
A total of 58 businesses, organisations, and self-employed volunteers from across the State were celebrated at the 2022 VERA ceremony.
Three nominees - the City of Gosnells, Central Park Tower and Office National Broome - received distinctions for their outstanding support, which are awarded to businesses and organisations receiving their fifth VERA.
The City of Gosnells was honoured for continually backing five employees who regularly attend emergencies, not only in their local government area but across the State.
The property management team at Central Park Tower received a distinction for its continued support of volunteer bush fire brigades. For 14 years, Central Park Tower has provided staff with flexible working arrangements, paid leave to attend incidents, and donations of office furniture and equipment.
Office National Broome was recognised for its support of its volunteers for the past 15 years, which includes providing a company vehicle to enable them to respond promptly to incidents and allowing them time off from work to attend training.
A second ceremony will be held in Albany later this month for Great Southern-based VERA recipients.
Comments attributed to Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson:
"Congratulations to the 56 Western Australian businesses and organisations recognised for their invaluable support of emergency service volunteers.
"I'd also like to acknowledge the two self-employed volunteers who received VERAs for sacrificing day-to-day business needs to keep their communities safe.
"Every year more than 26,000 emergency services personnel volunteer their time across the State and many of them couldn't do this without the support of their employers.
"On behalf of the McGowan Government, congratulations and thank you for your support that helps keep the WA community safe."
2022 VERA Recipients
Award type | Business name | Region |
VERA | AFGRI Equipment Australia - Wongan Hills | Goldfields Midlands |
VERA | Australian Laboratory Services | Goldfields Midlands |
VERA | Northern Star Resources - Kalgoorlie Operations | Goldfields Midlands |
VERA | W Gibbs & Son | Goldfields Midlands |
VERA | Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting - Air Services Australia, Broome | Kimberley |
VERA | Department of Communities - West Kimberley District | Kimberley |
VERA | West Kimberley Regional Prison | Kimberley |
VERA | Derby District High School | Kimberley |
VERA | Derby Post Office | Kimberley |
VERA | Derby-Fitzroy Valley Health Service | Kimberley |
VERA | Fitzroy Crossing Hardware | Kimberley |
VERA | Horizon Power - Broome | Kimberley |
Distinction for Outstanding Support | Office National Broome | Kimberley |
VERA | WA Country Health Service - Kimberley Region | Kimberley |
VERA | Elliott's Small Engines | Lower South-west |
VERA | Department of the Premier and Cabinet - Office of Digital Government | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Dorsett Retail - Electsales | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Iona Presentation College | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Mental Health Commission - Office of the Commissioner | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Piacentini & Son - Gingin, C Crew | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Railtrain Holdings Group - RMC Rail Services | Metro north coastal |
VERA | South Metropolitan Health Service - Peel Health Campus Transformation | Metro north coastal |
VERA | The Artisan Co. | Metro north coastal |
VERA | Autism Association | Metro north-east |
VERA | Belenus | Metro north-east |
VERA | C.H. Robinson - Perth | Metro north-east |
VERA | GR Engineering Services | Metro north-east |
VERA | K&S Freighters | Metro north-east |
VERA | MMA Offshore - Subsea Services | Metro north-east |
VERA | Salini Impregilo-NRW Joint Venture, Forrestfield Airport Link Project | Metro north-east |
VERA | TechBrain | Metro north-east |
VERA | AFGRI Equipment Australia - South Guildford | Metro north-east |
VERA (self employed) | A-Class Mechanical Services | Metro south coastal |
VERA | Aurizon - Kwinana Depot | Metro south coastal |
VERA | Goodstart Early Learning - WA Centre Support Office | Metro south coastal |
VERA | Public Transport Authority - Transwa Reservations Team | Metro south coastal |
VERA | Airwise Engineering | Metro south-east |
VERA | Carnac - Project Delivery Services | Metro south-east |
Distinction for Outstanding Support | Central Park Tower | Metro south-east |
Distinction for Outstanding Support | City of Gosnells | Metro south-east |
VERA | Delta Drone International | Metro south-east |
VERA | Hydrobiology | Metro south-east |
VERA | Jim's Tree & Stump Removal - Kelmscott | Metro south-east |
VERA | Kennards Hire - Midland | Metro south-east |
VERA | Lycopodium | Metro south-east |
VERA | McIntosh & Son | Metro south-east |
VERA | Penske Australia - Perth Branch | Metro south-east |
VERA | Service Stream Maintenance - Incident Response Service | Metro south-east |
VERA | SETS Enterprises | Metro south-east |
VERA | Snappy Gum Heritage Services | Metro south-east |
VERA | Tip Top Bakeries – Canning Vale | Metro south-east |
VERA | ZELVi Equipment | Metro south-east |
VERA | Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety | Midwest Gascoyne |
VERA (self employed) | Piper Lane Café | Midwest Gascoyne |
VERA | Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation - South Hedland | Pilbara |
VERA | Pilbara Meta Maya Group of Companies | Pilbara |
VERA | Water Corporation - Commercial and Industrial Services | Pilbara |
VERA | Bunnings - Australind | South-west |