2021 Bushfire Community Day

The Department of Fire and Emergency Service invites you to the 2021 Bushfire Community Day on Saturday 30 October. Click here to register today.
The free event is happening at the Bushfire Centre of Excellence facility in Nambeelup from 10am to 3pm.
Interactive and engaging information booths will be set up to promote key topics including the DFES My Bushfire Plan App, the Australian Fire Danger Rating System, the Australian Warning System, Animals in Emergencies, Career Firefighter Recruitment, Cultural Fire and more.
For more information, see our event program. Share this with your family, friends, school networks, sporting clubs and more.
DFES Acting Chief Superintendent Bushfire Centre of Excellence Mark Bowen AFSM said it would be an action-packed day for all ages and interests.
“We are heading into summer so now is the perfect time to start thinking about how you can prepare your family and property for bushfire,” he said.
“We will have lots of activities to entertain the kids and knowledgeable representatives from across the bushfire sector who can provide information, advice and support.”
There will be fire trucks, state emergency service volunteers and canines, food trucks, a sausage sizzle, children’s activities including face painting, bouncy castle, animal farm and more.
Key sessions will run throughout the day and include scheduled demonstrations of a burnover drill, a firewise garden workshop and Bushfire 101: Q&A session, a presentation from DFES Aviation about WA’s aerial firefighting fleet and an exciting seasonal outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology.
See the session timings here to plan your visit.
We look forward to seeing you on the day!
For more information, email BushfireCoE@dfes.wa.gov.au or call 9540 7105.