Bushfire Centre of Excellence launches 3D virtual tour
Since opening its doors six months ago, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) Bushfire Centre of Excellence has welcomed a wave of visitors from across the State.

Visitors include groups from within DFES, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), the Peel Development Commission, Leadership WA and more.
In the second last week of June alone, almost 400 visitors attended a range of events at the Centre including DFES' Bushfire Ready State Facilitators Forum.
To encourage more groups to use the facility, the centre has launched a 3D virtual tour to promote all that the space has to offer – its bright and spacious rooms, modern facilities, ample grounds and social spaces as well as onsite parking.
Chief Superintendent Bushfire Centre of Excellence John Tillman AFSM said the virtual tour was a great tool for people wanting to organise an event and for those who couldn’t physically get to the centre.
“We’ve been unable to get interstate or international visitors across due to COVID-19 restrictions so it’s great to give these stakeholders a dynamic and interactive walk-through of the centre,” Chief Superintendent Tillman said.
“The facility has some great indoor and outdoor spaces and our stakeholders can now get a really good feel for how they can use it for workshops, forums, briefings, training courses and more.”
Among the events held at the Centre was a meet and greet for local volunteers with the new Minister for Emergency Services, the Honourable Reece Whitby MLA.
The event had a strong turn-out of volunteers from the State Emergency Service, Marine Rescue WA and fire services from across the Shires of Murray, Waroona, Serpentine-Jarrahdale and the City of Mandurah.
The Shire of Murray also hosted a sundowner in May to celebrate the turning of the sod for the WA Food Innovation Precinct, which is currently under construction next door.
Since opening in January, six training courses have been delivered at the Centre for volunteer firefighters, DFES and DBCA staff and Ranger Groups.
To book an event at the Bushfire Centre of Excellence email BushfireCoE@dfes.wa.gov.au
For more information and to access the 3D virtual tour, visit dfes.wa.gov.au/bushfirecoe